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Subreply To: Appointment of Primary Teachers by DPSCs

WBXPRESS Forums Appointment Appointment of Primary Teachers by DPSCs Subreply To: Appointment of Primary Teachers by DPSCs


Ami ekta case thukte cholechi………………….P.T.T.I. ‘er Againce………………….Bcoz ora Besic kore nijedr k Bhogowan er ghore jonmo niyeche bole mone kore…………………..r amra M.A. Pass kre takar ovabe Basic krte parini bole amdr ki joggota nei???????????????????………………….so amrao ekta ligaly 3 point niye case krte cholechi…………………..Howrah’r bondhura jara nontrert tara amdr sathe sohojogita karo Pujo’r por Andolon er jonno…………………….ora bare bare amdr life niye chini mini khelche……………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jara basic koreche tader aadeo 50% no. ache ki na seta jachai krtei hobe…………….nd tara kivabe basic krlo tar ek ekta detail amdr k ditei hobe…………………………..

so HOWRAH bondhura ami 27 er por case krchi…………………….tmdr sohojogita ekkantoi kammo…………………..