Pls get the attachments which are the reproduction of the recent High Court judgments wherein the Hon’ble Kolkata H.C. have set aside the Education Deptt. G.O. dated 05.01.2012 and directed the concerned D.I.s of School to extend the benefit of additional increments to the deserving teachers for obtainment of Ph.D. degree. Take note of the recent orders passed in the Writ Petition No. WP 4532(W) of 2012 dated 04.07.2012 (Chowdhury Moniruzzaman case) and WP 6937(W) of 2007 dated 01.06.2012. Control of Expenditure Act,2005 is not at all a bar to the grant of additional increments to those who were awarded Ph.D. degree after 18th August,2005. You may submit prayer to D.I. through school authority ( with their recommendation) by referring to the judgments of the said petitions for consideration of your case in the light of the court verdicts. I think the problem is D.I. cannot do anything positive unless fresh G.O. is issued from Education Deptt. Nor can he be able to quash your appeal. In all likelihood the case would be kept pending till final decision be taken by the Edu. Deptt. on court orders. Best of luck. W.P. No. 4532(W)_on_4_July,_2012.pdf TELEGRAPH_ HC rejects govt teacher order.pdf W.P. No. 6937 (W) dtd01.06.2012.pdf