Dear sir,
My father is a W.B. Govt Employee. He requested to concerned authority to changed his date of birth, and finally it is granted in 2001. The prayer was after 20 years he joined the service. Changed date of birth is now followed in service book. Recently, a notice ( Memo No.707-F(P) dated 24.01.2012, ) has been circulated by Finance Dept. W.B., where it is is mentioned “…the Governor has now been pleased to decide that prayer for change in date of birth in respect of the Govt. Employees, will not be entertained, if the said prayer is not made in within the period of five years from the date of joining in the Government Service.”. Will there be any problem for my father, whose date of birth has already been changed in 2001?
Thanking you to all.
Surajit Panja
Alteration of date of birth Memo No.707-F(P) dated 24.01.2012